A back view of a Ralph Lauren model in black hat
Watercolor painting by Rose Sinatra
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A back view of a Ralph Lauren model in black hat
Watercolor painting by Rose Sinatra
Rose Sinatra, a resident of Toms River, NJ has focused exclusively on watercolor since 2001. Sinatra is a full-time artist and instructor since 2004. Her unique style and handling of the watercolor medium has won her awards in many regional and local art exhibitions,
Sinatra’s paintings are held in private collections throughout the U.S.
Her admiration and inspiration comes from a variety of artists from both past and present. For technique, she gives credit to artists, teachers, students, workshops, books and DVDs. For the most influence and inspiration to create art, she credits our own dear Mother Nature.
A Los Angeles Times critic wrote; “Rockwellian innocence works its candied charm in Rose Sinatra’s “Liberty City” best describes how people view this artist’s work.
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